Assignment 10


Cody Reed


For various a and b, investigate

       x = cos(at)

       y = sin(bt)         


Begin by considering what happens when a and b vary by the same constant 'n.'


As you can see, the parametric equation forms a counter-clockwise circle once n = 6.28 and begins repeating.

What happens when a and b are not the same constant?

Consider what happens b =1 and a varies by clicking play on the video below:




Consider what happens when a = 1 and b varies by clicking play on the video below:




Does the value of the fixed value (either a or b) affect the outcome of the graph?

Consider what happens when b = 2 and a varies by clicking play on the video below:




Consider what happens when a = 2 and b varies by clicking play on the video below:










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